
Hi! I’m AC, a deep-thinker and dedicated take-stuff-apart-and-put-it-back-together-better-er, and I’m starting a career in software engineering.

After getting a degree in Philosophy with some heavy creative emphasis, I learned enough as hospital help desk guy (and part-time club DJ / mashup artist) to become a pretty solid Healthcare Information Systems Analyst. While working through a couple short stories, I decided it was time to muscle up the other half of my brain and take a trip back to school for a bachelor’s in Computer Science.

I’ve always been a learn-by-doing person, especially when it involves computers. From straightforward projects (building this site with Jekyll on Github Pages) to the contrived (“difficult to program, easy to read” is the mantra of the WCU CS department), I just really like solving problems with code.

And, now that I’ve spent years of my life figuring out what I want to do and what I’m good at, I’m interested in making money again.

So, on that note, once more: Hi! I’m AC.

If you (or someone you love) is responsible for a tech company’s decisions, lots of things you might need to decide whether I might be worth sharing some of your resources are on my LinkedIn. I also have a github and infrequently put some words about neat things here and on my twitter.

Anything else you’d like to know, feel free to email me at “hello at acsexton dot com”!